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Prashant and his colleagues were having evening tea when a taxi driver entered their station. He was holding a newspaper in his hand. 

“Yes,” Surya asked.

“I am Pratik.”

“Is your taxi stolen or has anyone left anything in your taxi ?” Surya conjectured.

” No sir,”. He was pointing at the sensational news that has appeared in today’s newspaper about the suicide of Mr. Upadhay, the GM of the Marwana Textile company. He had committed suicide by jumping from the Coloner bridge. 

” Yes, what do you have to say regarding this?”, asked Prashant.

” Yesterday it was drizzling, and I stopped near Sealdah station when a lady came up to me for a ride to Coloner bridge. As the place does not have a good reputation after evening, I preliminarily thought of rejecting it. But as she offered me 100 rupees above meter , I agreed. When I dropped her , it was around 8 pm and the place was desolate. A sinister feeling engulfed me as she went straight towards the bridge….. . So I hurriedly turned back and while I was returning, I saw a car approaching, driven by the deceased person. “

” Do you remember the lady?”, Prashant asked.

” Yes, I remember. She was wearing a white kurta and had a pleasant face. “

Prashant instructed Surya, ” Make a sketch of the lady and take his details. “

“Sir, it is a mere suicide or accidental case. Why complicate……” staring at Prashant he stopped abruptly and started following Prashant’s instruction.

Chap 2

The news of a dead body lying under the bridge reached the police station in the morning.

Rakhit and Surya went for investigation. From the Aadhar card and pan card present in his wallet, the body was easily identified. He was the GM of the reputed Marwana Textiles. From the initial investigation, it was deciphered that it was a mere case of suicide. No injury marks were found other than those from the fall.   

Prashant and Surya went to meet the MD of Marwana Textile. Mr.Suresh Bansal greeted and escorted them into his chamber. 

” He was a very good employee, serving the company for more than 15 years, “said Mr. Bansal. 

” Do you know any reason for this act? ” asked Surya. 

” No. He was quite happy, blessed with a very talented son and charming wife. He was close to me, and I never felt that he was disheartened or financially stressed out “

‘We have already spoken with his family. They also confirmed that he had no problem regarding finance. They were themselves quite puzzled and grief-stricken at his sudden demise,” said Prashant. 

Did he have any enemies or old foes … “Prashant asked.

“ No, I do not have any clue. He had never spoken of any such thing, “said Mr. Bansal. 

“Okay. Call us if you remember anything. “ As they were leaving the room, Prashant remembered the portrait of the woman. He stopped and brought out the sketch. 

” Do you know her …?” asked Surya.

Bansal looked at the portrait quite intensely, ” Yes, this portrait resembles my father’s secretary, Sonali . But she is missing for 5 – 6 years . Why… you are asking about her ?”. 

“Because she was seen at the same place and at the same time when Mr .Upadhay committed suicide “. Mr. Bansal seemed very surprised at Prashant’s remark. 

Chap 3

Surya has collected the address of Sonali from Bansal’s office. “Yes now it seems she might be connected …” Surya asserted.

When they reached Sonali’s house, they found a six years boy playing outside on the lawn with a man. 

As they stopped their car in front of the house, he came towards them. ” 

” Are you looking for someone? “

” Yes, actually, we are here to collect some information about Sonali Biswas. “

” Yes, I am Sonali’s husband, Param Biswas. Please come in “

 The drawing-room wall had a big picture of Sonali. 

Prashant asked, “Will you be able to describe the day she disappeared after so many years…?”

“Of course, I remember that ominous day very clearly. Nothing unusual happened. We both left home for the office around 9 am. That day, we planned to have a small party at home with our close friends. She was to return a little early from the office. Around 4 pm, I called her. She didn’t pick up the phone. I tried several times, but she didn’t pick up. I called her office. The Receptionist confirmed to me that she left the office in the afternoon. Later that night, I made a missing diary at the 

New town police station.”

 Param continued, “Next day, I was informed from her office that her phone was found in her office drawer. Maybe she left her phone by mistake …… I continued to follow up with the police. More than five years passed… still they could not find her. “

 On their return from Sonali’s home, they went to the Newton Police station and asked for Sonali’s missing diary. They went through the past findings and were surprised. ‘She went missing with 3 lakhs of rupees….!” Surya.

Chap 4

Surya asked,“ How was Sonali as your secretary? “ 

“ She was very dedicated and sincere and never neglected her work. She joined as a junior admin manager. After my secretary left her job abruptly, she was temporarily deputed. Later on, seeing her ability, she was permanently designated as my secretary. The tenure with us ,till her mysterious disappearance, she never gave me any chance of complaining.” said Mohit Bansal. 

“ My son said that you want to meet me to inquire about Sonali. But the case is closed, I presume. The girl was never found. “ Mohit lamented. 

Prashant asked, “Do you remember the day she went missing. “ 

“ Yes, she asked for early departure as she had some personal work at home. I was not feeling well, so I asked her to go to the factory near New Town to provide the overtime money to the workers and leave for home from there. She agreed, and then she requisitioned the amount and left the office after lunch. 

“ Is it three lakhs … “Surya asked. 

“ I don’t remember exactly the amount. When she went missing, my son wanted to file an FIR against her. But I stopped him from doing it. I knew her family well and didn’t want to create more problems for her husband. “

Prashant asked,” What do you think about her disappearance? “

Mohit asserted, ” She was very sincere at the workplace and also loved her family dearly. Her husband is a Govt bank employee and for the small amount, she will not go missing. Something drastic happened to her .”

“ Did her husband again open the case? “ asked Mohit.

“ No … Actually a staff of yours Mr. Upadhay has committed suicide,” said Prashant. 

“Upadhyay, yes I remember, a nice chap but very ambitious, actually a friend of my son. My son brought him to me for a job. I appointed him as works manager of the textile factory at Birpara, near Rajarhat. “

Mohit continued, “The Factory was closed because of some union problem and so he was transferred to Head Office. I am now just a board member and only attend board meetings. The company operations are controlled by my son. “ 

All personal and official files of Mr. Upadhay were checked. Neither his family could elucidate on any situations which could lead him to do suicide. As they were heading towards the police station, a phone call came which amplified the graveness of the situation.

Another employee of Marwana Textile, Abhay Kumar, was found dead in a deserted construction site. He had toppled over and hit his head on the concrete floor of an open safety tank.

Chap 5

Surya said to Prashant,” The Guards of the construction site have arrived for interrogation. “

A sturdy man in his late fifties entered,” Sir, I have not done anything .”

” You have not done anything !” shouted out Surya. “A man enters your site, gets himself killed, and you know nothing till the morning. Maybe he could have survived the injury if he had been taken to the hospital immediately.” 

“Sir, my room is in the right corner of the site. No item on the site can be stolen by thieves except for the scrap. Today we were to sell the scrap and so yesterday night I was sitting in front of the scrap’s heap. I became drowsy and might have my eyes closed for some time. But I heard something and woke up. I roamed a little but couldn’t find anything and again returned as I felt maybe the noise was made by thieves to move me away from the scrap heap. So I hurriedly returned.”

“Sir, my job will be at stake if the scrap items get stolen. They are sold at a high price by my ‘Maliks’. “

“When did you first see the body? asked Prashant. 

” No no …, the morning shift guard found the body. I was leaving the site when I heard Bhola shouting. I went back and saw the body fallen inside the safety tank. ” 

” First I called my “Malik ” and Bhola climbed down the safety tank and checked whether the man was alive or not.”

My Malik might have informed the local station.”

“Okay, now you can go but if required, I will call you later, “said Prashant.

The local station that had done the prior investigation, called Prashant when the body was identified as Mr. Abhay Kumar, an employee of Marwana Textile. 

Surya said ” Local police inspector, Mr. Roy called us to inform that it seemed mere accident as no signs of  struggling, fighting was found. The death occurred due to head injury and blood loss. His head had hit the concrete bed of the safety tank.”

As the guards were leaving Prashant stopped them and asked ” Did you see any lady there in the evening time or night “.

Rakshit quickly brought out the portrait of Sonali from his drawer.

” No sir, it’s such a desolate place. Men dare to go there after daytime … lady …no chance. “

The other guard who was sitting quietly came up to the table, where the portrait was rolled out 

“Yes I have seen the lady”

“What … !” all three of us exclaimed. 

“Yes, today morning only , I had seen this lady standing on the opposite bus stand. I was a bit surprised to see the lady at such a deserted place in such early hours. “

Chap 6

Now, it has become a regular sensational story in the newspaper. A lady reporter is giving a vivid description of every day’s progress in the newspaper to Prashant’s much  annoyance and astonishment. Prashant was called at the headquarter and asked about his presumptions and the progress in the case and if any intervention required in the case. Surya entered Prashant’s cabin and saw he was sitting in his chair with his eyes closed. He understood he was trying to recapitulate all the incidents that occurred till now.

“Surya, let’s visit the Marwana textile office once more.” 

“Mr. Bansal, in your company two people died. Suicide or murder or accident… requires more investigation. One more recurring coincidence … Sonali is seen at the accident spots. Can there be any connections?”

Mr. Bansal commented, ” She used to sit in the Corporate office and they used to work in the plant. I knew Upadhay from school and Upadhyay brought his friend, Abhay. Depending on his words, I appointed him. I don’t know much about Abhay .’

Prashant spoke with the old employees of Marwana textile. Everyone conferred that Sonali was very honest and sincere with her work and it was quite surprising to all of them, she went missing with 3 lakhs rupees. 

Chap 7 

Prashant instructed “Surya, let us first visit the factory at Birpara. Rudra delve into the past of Abhay and Upadhyay before they joined Marwana textile, and ask Rakshit to go through the Marwana textile accounts and their whereabouts in the last few years.”

Reaching there, Prashant and Surya found the factory was closed. As they approached the factory gate, the security guard opened it. They saw the front area of the factory compound was comparatively little clear, otherwise, it was full of grasses and shrubs and creepers. 

“You are working from when ?” asked Surya. 

“My agency posted me after the last security guard left abruptly .” answered the guard.

 “Who comes here?” asked Prashant

 “It is left abandoned. Nobody comes here. Ah… …..sometimes Mr. Upadhyay visits to keep the old files or take some old documents. And he is generally accompanied by Mr. Abhay Kumar.

“When did you join? – The date you remember. “asked Prashant.”

“Yes. Five years and six months ago,” bringing out his badge, “18th 0ct, 2016.” Prashant stared at Surya, the date he mentioned was just, the day after Sonali went missing. 

Chap 8

Rudra had gathered information about both Upadhyay and Abhay. They are from the same village Sankrail in Bihar. Upadhyay was Abhay’s neighbor and for his expansion in business, Upadhyay had borrowed money from Abhay. When he couldn’t repay his debt, he left the village and came to Kolkata and joined Marwana Textile. Abhay was once detained for drug peddling but was released as nothing could be proved. 

Later, Abhay too came to Kolkata and joined Marwana Textile through Upadhay reference. 

Prashant was listening very minutely to all the details and later he said, “Surya, let us go to the Birpara Factory at night.” 

During the daytime, they saw there was a back gate that was kept unguarded. Rudra stood at the gate and Prashant and Surya entered the factory premise.

They entered the factory complex. Surya, confused, asked, “what are we searching for?”Prashant said,” Look out for big boxes, crates…….”

They frantically scouted through the deserted factory and found nothing much of importance. Just before leaving, Prashant stopped and pointed out to Surya  ,” that portion of the factory seems much cleaner!”.Prashant opened the door to the Manager’s cabin and entered. In the torchlight, they found a small door at the corner of the cabin . They broke the lock and entered through the door. It opened into a big storeroom inside which they found wooden crates piled up against the wall .

Opening one of them, Prashant said, “see, Surya, I was right. This was the den where they stored drugs and carried their business comfortably.”

“Should we inform Mr. Bansal? ”asked Surya.

“No, not now. Depute a constable in plain dress, on the opposite side of the factory. “ Prashant instructed.

‘Still, now I am not understanding the connection between Sonali and these incidents.’ Surya said.

” I am getting a faint idea of what might have happened,” Prashant said. 

Chap 9

The next day, in the evening, Prashant received a phone call from Bansal.

“A woman called and said that she is Sonali and wanted to come to return the 3 lakhs of rupees.”

“You got the phone call directly ?”Prashant asked.

“No, my accountant Sanjay received the call,” said Suresh.

“What! We are coming to your house,” said Prashant. At nine pm, Prashant along with Surya and Raksit reached Bansal Mansion.

“We will be providing you protection, but you need to be in office when she comes,” Prashant said.

Mohit Bansal said,” Media is simply portraying her negatively in the whole matter. She was a sweet girl and she cannot do any harm to anyone. “

Prashant,” yes, her name is getting highlighted every time in the newspaper. But we have never shared her name or involvement with the media. “

Suresh shouted at his father,” Two of my employees are dead, And now she is coming to the office…Inspector, I require protection in the office and house!”

“Might be as we had lodged FIR against her, they are taking revenge or they have engaged someone to take revenge on me,” Suresh proclaimed.

The phone call has made him unbalanced and neurotic. 

Prashant tried to pacify him by saying,” Both, Mr. Abhay and Upadhyay were no good people and might be in their wrongdoings, they have befriended enemies. “

Mohit Bansal, “What ! “.

Suresh moved here and there. It seemed, he wanted to say something.

Prashant said, “Don’t be afraid, we are there to protect you. Seeing her name in the newspaper, she is coming to clear it. We, all might be misunderstanding the whole matter.”

Suresh muttered “Some other people or persons are involved, not she”

“Why will any person try to kill your employees?” asked Prashant.

“They are taking revenge for her death……”Suresh blurted out absent-mindedly.

All the occupants of the room looked at the flustered Bansal.” He collapsed on the sofa and rested his head on his knees.

“She died five years before. She was killed by Upadhyay and Abhay. Now you understand why she cannot come herself.”

Prashant raised his voice,” What happened to her on that day, Mr. Suresh ?”

Suresh said,” My father asked her to go to Birpur factory to disburse the OverTime wages of the employees.”

“That day, in the factory, no employees were present. Only Upadhyay and Abhay were present as a large consignment of drugs were to be delivered. On reaching, when she found no employees, she was surprised and so she asked Upadhyay inquiring why the factory was closed, and the Head office not informed about it.

Upadhyay gave the excuse of machinery breakdown and explained to her that only the mechanical staff were present for the maintenance work, and the rest of the employees were on leave. Upadhyay thought she had believed him and would leave. She went out but what she thought, I don’t know, she again entered to hand over the money to Upadhyay.

She entered the Manager’s room and saw the crates of drugs.

Upadhyay and Abhay saw her and warned her to keep her mouth shut. But she confronted them saying she would say everything to my father.

Abhay caught hold of her and tied her hands to frighten her. But she resisted, saying bluntly that she will tell the whole matter to my father. They called me but I couldn’t provide them with a solution. Later in the evening, they informed me that they have killed her to suppress the fact that we are into drug dealings. Her body is buried in the Birpara Factory compound.”

“Inspector, imprison him. He had crafted the death penalty for that sweet child. Send him to prison …” Mohit Bansal cried as he went out of the room.

Chap 10

Suresh was taken to prison and the Media was carefully informed, omitting Sonali’s presence at the suicide spots. He cleverly avoided certain questions related to Sonali, explaining that Upadhyay and Abhay committed suicide because the news of drug business surfaced . Yesterday, Sonali’s skeleton was excavated from the compound of Birpara and the last rites were performed by her family. 

Today they have kept a prayer in memory of her. We were also informed about it. But Prashant wanted to avoid the crowd, and so we visited them in the late evening.

When we reached, Mr. Biswas was alone sitting in his drawing-room. Prashant said, “You have staged the show very well. You, only  directed us, and we were mere participants in your well-drafted drama. Let me meet your actors now. The case is closed, The villains are dead, Mr. Bansal is too caught and Sonali has received her justice. Now you can speak out.”

To our surprise, from inside the room came out the driver, security guard, the accountant, and the lady journalist. ..

Prashant recognized her, as he had asked her to stop emphasizing Sonali’s involvement.

Biswas stated, “I was returning after lodging a missing complaint of Sonali, when I met Pratik,” pointing at the driver. “From him, I came to know that Sonali told him to meet at Birpara factory gate around 4 pm”

Pratik said, “Didi asked me to bring her from the office as she had some functions at home. Again in the afternoon, she called me saying that she is going to Birpara factory and if possible, to go there by 4 pm.”

“So, I reached there by 4 pm and called her. She was not answering. After waiting for half an hour I went to the factory gate. He pointed at the guard, saying ” Bhola confirmed she had left and so I went away from there.”

Param again started narrating, “Next day, Pratik and I, visited the Birpara factory and found that Bhola had already left his job yesterday and a new guard had been appointed in his place.

For one month, we left no stone unturned to find out the truth behind her disappearance, but we met with zero results. After two months elapsed and with no news of her, we gave a newspaper advertisement in the missing section.

The next day, Bhola arrived in the middle of the night and recounted to me the entire event that took place there. He saw Sonali going out but was unaware of her re-entrance. After Pratik left, Bhola went inside the factory complex to check once more. He saw Sonali was being murdered by Abhay and Upadhyay. Frightened, he left the spot immediately, because he thought he might also be killed.

Nextday , I came to know from Sanjay , that he was given four lakhs rupees by Mr. Suresh Bansal to get deposited in their company’s bank account . He was suspicious and thus, on scrutinizing the cash, found the four or five notes with yellow patches, which occurred due to his food getting spilled over before he handed the money to Sonali. But we had not orchestrated any plan of revenge. We thought we could make them , confess by blackmailing. We had no evidence except Bhola as a witness . We even did not know what finally, they did with Sonali. Four years passed as I was transferred to Mumbai .

Last week, we finally decided to enact the plan. Sanjay informed us when they left office. We planted a blackmail note in their car and asked them to reach the places as planned.

As they were dangerous, we maintained our distance from them. I stood on the other side of the bridge and asked Mr. Upadhyay. to surrender or we will go to the police, as we know everything. But he refused, and in anger, he rushed to cross the bridge to catch hold of me, but the side of the bridge collapsed and he fell and died. We removed the blackmail note from his car. Abhay was also called at the backside of the site. He refused to acknowledge the fact. He tried to kill Bhola, and in the darkness he toppled over the boulder into the septic tank and killed himself.

We were not sure of Suresh’s involvement, and so Sanjay just created a hoax that Sonali is coming to return the money creating mental pressure on him.

To create a sinister feeling by involving Sonali in the whole matter, Pratik went to the police station and fabricated a story of Sonali’s presence at the Upadhay’s accident spot. Similarly, Bhola also introduced Sonali’s presence in Abhay’s accident spot.”

Param sighed, stood up, and went inside to check on his son, who had fallen asleep. Before leaving, Prashant said," Now, It's  Four in the morning. Let the truth be grounded in the darkness of the night, and let the first ray of sunlight bring positive vibes to you and your son's life."

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