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Sanity Reinstated

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Sunday, 15th , Sep, 2019 

Call came from a  police check post located at the By pass road  to the Beliaghata police station conveying a  hit-run case . Inspector Prashant  Sen in his police van along with his team of constables reached the spot within ten minutes . It was Sunday afternoon , and thus the bypass road had comparatively less traffic . 

The spot was barricaded and Prashant called the Traffic control room to divert maximum vehicles to another route . The victim was dead. Doing all the initial investigations the  body was sent for autopsy . The victim was in his early twenties .

The case would have been registered as a simple  hit run accident , if  that call didn’t come to the control room . 

A male voice said, the accident that happened in the by-pass road is a murder . Prashant was immediately informed  about the incoming call. He went to the corridor where the victim’s body was kept . He stared closely at the blood-stained face and suddenly felt that he had seen the boy somewhere. 

Monday, 16th , Sep, 2019 

Prashant was thinking about yesterday’s accident and why the face was so familiar to him . Yesterday ,he had taken a snap of the boy on his cell phone . He opened his gallery , and  stared at the victim’s face. 

He confirmed with the control room whether any further call came regarding the case . Yesterday the call came from a local PCO near the by- pass road ,within fifteen minutes of the accident. 

Prashant again revisited the accident spot along with Surya , his colleague . As they were walking down the pavement of the bypass road , they noticed a by-lane opening to the main road . As they moved towards the by-lane , a tea stall owner came up to them.

“Sir, want to tell you something about the yesterday ‘s accident “

“On Sundays, I don’t open stall in the evening. So I kept my stall open little late in the afternoon. Just as I was closing down my shop, I saw a man coming out of that lane and started running towards the By-pass main road . Just few seconds later, a motorcycle crossed me in full speed”

Surya asked, ” Why didn’t you mention anything yesterday to the police ?”

” Sir, I thought nothing much about it yesterday . Today , when I heard about the accident , I remembered yesterday’s incident and seeing you people ,came up to tell  the matter,- if it is of any significance – “

“Did you call the police control room “asked Prashant.

“No sir. ” They again returned to the spot.

“Surya, the victim face seems familiar to me .But can’t remember where I have seen this boy. ” Prashant took out the phone and opened the gallery . As Prashant was going through the pictures in his gallery , Surya said” I just saw the boy”

“Where ?” asked Prashant surprisingly. Surya scrolled in the gallery and opened the picture .Both of them stared at the group picture. It was taken by Prashant in the renowned businessman Sanjay Mukherjee’s birthday party . 

Prashant knew Mr. Sanjay as he was a close associate of his father . He and his parents were  invited to the birthday party and he took the group picture of Sanjay’s son ,Shantanu along with his group of friends .

 Prashant called up Mr. Sanjay and related the accident . “May I get all the contact details and address of the boy from your son .” 

Prashant was left stunned on hearing what Sanjay said ” Shantanu  is missing from yesterday evening  and just now I have registered a missing diary at the Gariahat Police station . His mobile phone is also switched off . ”  Sanjay paused a little and then continued “You , send me the picture – I will provide you with the information . My wife knows all his friends”. 

Tuesday, 17th , Sep, 2019 

Post mortem report arrived . The boy was hit by some hard substance in his head. Prashant was having tea in his office , when the news flashed about a bomb blasted in Delhi bus stop. 

Just half an hour later , he received a call from Mr. Sanjay .  His voice was traumatised as he said ” Prashant, just now I received a call from Delhi police, that they have found my son’s mobile on the back seat of the blasted bus . “

” Till now , there is no such information with me . Let me check with my seniors, “said Prashant.

Sanjay said ” The deceased boy was  Sunil ,a close friend of  my son .I am forwarding you his father’s contact details and address. “

Wednesday, 18th , Sep, 2019 

11 am …

Last evening , Prashant had gone to visit Sunil’s parents . The news of their son’s demise was catastrophic to them . They knew nothing about his arrival . They spoke to him last on the 14th evening , and he did not mention his arrival .Prashant was informed by his seniors that two Delhi Police officers were coming down and  he had to work along with them .

The two officers , Mahem and Rahul from Delhi special branch arrived at Kolkata airport and called Prashant and asked to set an appointment with Mr. Sanjay .

Prashant along with Mahem and Rahul , reached Sanjay’s office.  “Can you brief us about your son’s whereabouts in the last few days “asked Rahul .

  “He was working with me in my business . So he was mostly with me . Last   Sunday ,he went out around 11am saying that he was going out to meet his friend . In the evening , when we called him ,we found his mobile was switched off .His mother called all his friends who were in Kolkata , to check whether he was with them . All his friends confirmed that, neither he called nor visited them .”

He paused and then again continued ”  I went to Gariahat Police station the next day and lodged a Missing Diary . While I was sitting in Gariahat station ,  Prashant called me. “

” I have just given an advertisement in the missing person column in all the leading newspapers.” Sanjay said.

 While returning to the police station , Prashant stated all the incidents that had occurred till now .  


“Does  Shantanu’s disappearance have any connection with the by-pass road incident ? ” Prashant asked.

“Might be, ” Mahem said . “First , let’s summarise  . Sunil’s murder – Shantanu  missing – bomb blast – his phone at the  blast spot .”

” First ,Prashant give a small press release that Sunil’s death is a normal hit run case accident in all the leading National newspapers and instruct  them not to print it in the prominent section . And Rahul , we require all the details of Sunil .”

 Prashant said “Sunil was working in an Automobile  company based in Kerala and we have confirmed  with the company that he was not sent to Kolkata by his office . In fact ,neither the company nor his parents knew that he was in Kolkata .”‘

“What did you recover from  Sunil’s accident spot?” 

Prashant said ” Nothing , his mobile  and  purse were missing from the spot.  Yesterday somebody found his purse in the lanes and deposited it . Nothing of much importance  except his Aadhar , pan card , company Id card, debit card, credit card , air boarding pass , and some cash .” 

“Rahul coordinate with the local Kerala police and find Sunil’s  whereabouts. “said Mahem . 

Prashant said to Surya , ” Fetch the call details of  both Sunil and Shantanu  and their GPS  till their mobile became inactive. “


 Rahul said “The local Kerala police confirmed us –  The residence where Sunil was staying is a three-storied Flat and he had rented one at the ground floor . His landlord , also staying on the same floor ,   described  Sunil  to be  a good disciplined fellow ,having no habits of late nights or parties. He saw him leaving with a small bag in early morning of 15th September, 2019″ he continued .” What is more important is the next piece of information –A boy named Sonu ,who did the job of  home service  met with an accident on 14th September. He was riding his bicycle when he was  hit and run over by a big van .He used to deliver dinner and breakfast to Sunil .  “

Mahem started scrutinizing Sunil’s belongings .  He was fumbling with his company  id card when something  caught his notice . It seems  some letters were scratched with nails . 

“Prashant , what is his company name?”Mahem asked . 

” M. M Automobile Service”

 Mahem exclaimed ” See Prashant!  In his Id card , the letter ‘m- o-b’ is scratched and in his name Sunil Bose ,’ B ‘ is scratched .”

Rahul murmured” M-O- B- B  …  , Sir – BOMB …”  All stared at each other . 


All Call details and  locations of Sunil , Shantanu  and Sonu were in front of them . 

Mahem asserted ” Things are clearing up .  Sonu spoke last to Sunil before he was killed . Within a few minutes ,Shantanu received a call from Sunil  .The delivery boy’s last location was near a Police Station . Maybe he was going to the police and that was the reason he was killed . “

Encircling the calls , Surya projected “A number of calls made between Sunil and Shantanu on 14th September and also after he reached Kolkata on 15th Sept. His last call was just a few minutes before his death. Sunil’s last position was BY-pass road and Shantanu’s last position was near Science City.” 

“Now , we don’t know what happened to Shantanu and how he is related – ” said Prashant. ” Is he responsible for the Delhi Blast …?”

The room  was silent , all four engrossed in deep thought .

9 pm…..

Rahul broke the silence ,” if the delivery boy was murdered in Kerala , murderer were present in Kerela .”

“It’s obvious . But how to track them — ” said Mahem .

” If the same people were after Sunil then  they would have come down from Kerala to Kolkata . And when Shantanu’s mobile is in Delhi ,either he has flown or somebody has taken his mobile to Delhi to frame him …”Rahul said .

“We have to get all the passengers’ names who have taken the morning flight scheduled on 15th September from Kerala to Kolkata  and Kolkata to Delhi scheduled on 15th & 16th September  and go through their background check as much as possible  . “said Mahem

“-..And …also check …. who were Sonu’s  clients and any other job he used to do apart from the food delivery”

” Boys , it is immense work , but we have to be quick  “said Mahem. 

10 pm….

Pinning each passenger of the specified flights and detailing each of them was a mammoth task . 

Sir, We have connected Mr. Bhaskaran from Kerala. He is in charge of the case . “

“Hello, We have spoken with  Sonu’s parents .He was mainly into delivering meals to his fixed clientele and doing small catering . “

“I have checked on all the clients . Most of the clients were  working couples, working singles , senior citizens , and offices . Mostly we have called and verified their background . Some we are not able to reach as no contact number is present . My people are going to their addresses to verify . Within one hour we will get back to you…”said Bhaskaran


Little later ,Bhaskaran again called to notify that  all clients had been checked except for one . They are not present at their house. 

Mahem ,” Where are you ?”

Bhaskaran ,” We are at the house , where the  family stayed .You can speak with the landlord, yourself” 

The  landlord came on-screen . Prashant asked ,” Who was there in the family?”

“They were four of them , Mr and Mrs Kumar , their daughter and Mr. Kumar’s brother”

“Before giving rent , did you check on their identity proofs “Mahem asked.

“Yes Sir , I have the Aadhar card xerox of Mr. D. Kumar . His permanent  address showing, he is from Vardine district .  “

“How long is he staying here?”

“Around two months . I only introduced Sonu to them . They were new to the place ,-not much acquainted with the market place and thus opted for food delivery. “

“Nice family . Only problem they had was their child ,who was sick . And they said they were going to Vellore for her check up .”

“When did they leave?” asked Rahul .” When they mentioned their departure to you ? Did they have a car?”

 “Yes they had a Bolero . They informed me one week before when they came to pay the rent that they will  leave on 15th ….”

“Okay thank you . If they return , inform Mr. Bhaskaran “

” One major point that need to be taken into account is that , this house is just opposite of  Sunil’s Flat , and I can see Sunil’s Window from their balcony ” Bhaskaran remarked

The video conference ended. Mr. Bhaskaran was asked to verify their background and search the flat thoroughly and if anything found should be informed immediately. 

” So , what do we infer from these……” continued  Prashant

” We cannot infer just now , but we can apprehend that Sonu heard or saw something while delivering the dinner to Kumar’s. He went to Sunil to deliver his dinner and said something , which Mr. Kumar comprehended.  Seeing Sonu coming out , they didn’t take any chance  and murdered Sonu on the highway , and came  down to Kolkata and did the same thing with Sunil” paused Mahem .

11: 30 pm …

All four were served dinner at the police station . As the case was pacing up ,  they didn’t even want to retire to the guest house for a night’s rest .

While scrutinizing the passenger’s list Rahul  came upon what they wanted to check   ” Yes there is a booking  for four people , three adults two male and one female and one  female minor  for Delhi flight on 15th …. but , only three have boarded the flight to Delhi – one male and two female ” 

“So it is certain that they have not gone to Vellore . And what about the brother- “asked Prashant . ” Has he come down to Kolkata and masterminded the murder of  Sunil? ” 

” Check whether any person had come to Kolkata from Kerala and had gone to Delhi again”

“Yes , there was a booking in name of  Mr. Y. Kumar from Kerala to Kolkata in the morning and in the evening from Kolkata to Delhi .”

Mr. Bhaskaran informed us that the man he had sent to Kumar’s  Village ,has confirmed Mr. D Kumar’s identity , but said he was not married and had no brother .  

Thursday, 19th , Sep, 2019 

5:45 am

” Sunil has warned us about the Delhi blast or something more to come? Surya ‘asked .

First let us notify and circulate Mr. D .Kumar’s Aadhar Card to all the respective entry and exit points of our cities .  Any Movement on his part using this Id should be immediately intimated ” said Mahem  

A call from Mr. Sanjay jerked all of them into action . He has received a call from a security guard posted at a  construction site on the Dankuni highway . The Guard has seen his boy  being dragged into a desolate warehouse . He has forwarded the contact details of the security guard to Prashant.

Prashant spoke with the guard  in detail and finally instructed him  ” You do not make yourself visible to them . Just check on them and call us if you see any movement in the warehouse . We are coming to your construction site. “

The security guard had seen the missing report of Shantanu in the newspaper . His construction site was just on the other side of the highway road . He was deputed to guard the scrap and other construction materials .  Early this morning he heard some shouting . He saw from the apartment’s window , a boy, being forcibly dragged into the warehouse . He recognised the boy as yesterday only he had seen the boy’s missing advertisement. 

7:15 am 

All  four along with a force of ten armed policemen reached the construction site . As decided , all were attired  in construction site worker’s dress and  travelled in vehicles used for construction . This was to keep them clueless of their movement .

Standing on the fourth floor of the building of the construction site , Mahem planned the action “. First , one of us will sneak inside and check for the circuit cameras and find the best way to break in without getting noticed . Then only the team will enter  the compound and encircle the warehouse .We have to be extra cautious as these men will be heavily armed and if they sense any problem , they will kill Shantanu .”

8:00 am 

Depending on Rahul’s survey, plan of rampage was hatched . He said ” A perfect place for a hideout . The backside of the warehouse has dense growth of trees and creepers intertwined in such a way that even the sunlight is blocked  in some places .The jungle area opens up to a narrow river bed . I climbed on a tree whose strong branches spread over the back side of the compound.  Circuit cameras are present both in the front and back entry gates . Only a side narrow gate is there which is totally hidden under the growth of shrubs and creepers which can be used for our entry. Going diagonally straight , we can avoid the cameras , but the moment we reach the warehouse, a single step of ours will be under their surveillance. ” 

9:00 am

They crept stealthily from the side gate  into the warehouse compound. The warehouse was hastily surrounded ensuring sealing of all the exit points  . Sudden plunge of the encounter specialist team did not give time to the miscreants to retaliate . The  men were grabbed with little resistance . 

The IT at the control room has taken over the circuit cameras control and the whole episode was erased and the cameras showed normalcy without arousing  any suspicion , if it is being externally monitored . 

In the corner of the big room , they found Shantanu sitting with hands and feet tied  and mouth gagged . The warehouse was searched thoroughly .Lots of arms, ammunition ,and large amounts of explosives were found . A small cabin just beside the warehouse , had a fully furnished office room with all modern gadgets , opening into a bedroom and an attached bathroom . Mr. Sanjay was informed that Shantanu was rescued but he was strictly asked to keep the news away from the press . Instead he was asked to repeat the advertisement of Shantanu in the missing column . 

11 am ….

Shantanu  felt tired and  sleepy  , but still related his story .

” It was on 14th , Sunil called me up around 8 pm , and asked whether I can pass over a message to the Police that great danger is awaiting during Pujas in Kolkata .Either a riot will be implanted or bombing in the crowded streets of Kolkata during the Pujas . Some big things are being planned by a group of  revolutionaries supported by external agencies . He said he will send the  pictures of those suspected men, who stay near his house . “

“I asked him to stay safe and leave the place and go somewhere else . “

“Did you not ask him from where he got the news “asked Prashant .

” No , the first time he hung up quickly and said to me not to waste time and call Prashant uncle. ” 

“Then why didn’t you give me a call ?” asked Prashant

Shantanu said , ” I was just going to my father to relate everything and ask him to call you . But then only  , Sunil called me and said I am coming down to Kolkata tomorrow as it is not safe for me .I  have taken the pictures of those culprits . We will together go to the police station as I have some details with me , which they will require for the investigations . “

“Around 4 am , he again called and said  he was moving towards the airport , and the boy , Sonu who had eavesdropped on Kumar’s plan, called him in the night and said he is being followed and his life is in danger . He asked Sunil to flee as soon as possible “

“Reaching Kolkata he called me, asking me to be at the Science City bus stop . He had hired a taxi and will pick me up from the science city and then we will go straight to the police station . Before he hung up the phone , he said THEY  ARE VERY DANGEROUS …”

“When I was waiting for Sunil , a state bus stopped at the bus stop for passengers , and the conductor said an accident had occurred on the bypass. Without wasting time I ran away from the main road to a by lane . I tried to call my father but before I could , a taxi stopped in front of me and tried to pull me into the taxi. I somehow jerked them back and ran into the side lanes. In the side lane , from a small stationery shop phone booth , I called the police control room, and said that the by-pass accident is murder not accident . I couldn’t speak more as I felt a hard substance pressed at my back which I understood was a revolver”

” When I regained consciousness , I found myself in the warehouse . I understood they had Sunil’s mobile and from there they got my number and tracked me down through a GPS tracker. “

“Today early morning I tried to escape but was caught and dragged back again to the warehouse.” , saying these he dozed off silently into sleep . 

1 pm ….

Shantanu opened his eyes and got a deadly shock . His hands and feet are tied again and mouth gagged .  He thought about whether  he was dreaming of the events that happened in the morning. 

The men were still sitting around the table and their mobile and rifles were on the table . 

” Had a good sleep ?” asked Rahul smilingly. 

 “Why… ” 

 Prashant stopped him  , ” Sorry , but you have to bear all these for a little more time  .Already two lives have been martyred.”

” See we have a plan to catch the Kumar’s . What we have come to know from these scoundrels , that they are planning to disrupt our city during the Pujas . Mr. Kumar will be coming down to Kolkata to jeopardise our sanity  . These people don’t know much as they are just local goons to control the warehouse operations .There is a chance that Kumar  might speak with these men over video . So the situation in warehouse should be as they expect . If they want to see you in their video conference , we had to keep you in this way , so that they feel nothing has happened .Don’t be afraid , their guns are empty and we are here .   “

2 pm … 

 As apprehended, Mr. Kumar made a video conference verifying from his men , about the current situation . 

” What I feel , –very soon , they will come down to Kolkata . They are convinced that Sunil’s  death has been declared as an accident , and Shantanu missing is in no way connected with Sunil’s death ” Prashant said . 

Monday , 23rd September,2019

The day in- between went  uneventful  . Strict vigilance was operated in all entry points to the city. At Warehouse , five  officers trained in commando operation ,  camped in the dense growth at the backside of the warehouse .  The Cook and the housekeeper have been taken into custody  and their place has been taken by Mahem and Rahul . Prashant and Surja carried on their regular jobs at their police station . Shantanu is  given a 10 minutes walking spree every eight hours when the IT takes over the control of the circuit cameras .

9 pm ….

Each of the commandos has stationed themselves on their respective hideouts over the strong stretched out trees.All the team were interconnected over ear phones .

“. 5 torch lights are seen coming from the backside of the warehouse. Plan A …act “

Mahem ” They are coming . Stay alert”

Surja and Prashant along with ten more officers started off for the warehouse.

“They did not come by road . Rahul was speaking about a river flowing near the backside of the warehouse.As Mahem said they will be allowed to move into the warehouse .”Prashant said

9:20 pm …

Again a voice said on the radio “Plan B act . ” 

“The torch lights now could be seen clearly and voices could be heard . Six or seven are there ” .

Prashant said, “We will be reaching there within 5 minutes . We will enter from the front side ” 

Prashant with their team reached and moved hastily towards the front door .

“Mahem , remember their code  – AZAD – BULAND “said Rahul. 

” They are reaching the back door within 2 minutes” aired on the wireless .

 A bell rang from the backdoor . Mayem moved towards the backdoor and waited . ” AZAD”a voice was heard 

He opened the door and said “BULAND”. 

Six people stepped in and moved towards the Big hall . 

One was easily identified – Mr . Kumar . He went straight to Shantanu and said ” You have been taken good care of . Now you have to act in accord with our orders or else you’ll face what Sunil faced .”

Moving towards his people asked  “Why are you people staring at me so blankly? Have you located the most crowded and popular puja pandals ….”

Mayem interrupted  ” Yes ….. Plan C act .. We show you the places , ‘ As he spoke he moved towards Mr. Kumar pointing his gun at him . Within a second ,  the commandos force  were in the hall and had captured all of them . One tried to move out but was dragged in by Prashant’s team .

“Yes Mr. Kumar , Where is your daughter ..? chuckled Mahem. 

1 am .. 

Mr Kumar and his team were handed over to the anti terrorist squad . Prashant and Surja returned home . On their way, they dropped Shantanu and thanked Mr. Sanjay profusely for his support. 

Tuesday , 24th September,2019 Prashant bid farewell to Rahul and Mayem at the Kolkata airport and hurried to be present at the press conference held at the headquarters.

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