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The Regent

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Chap 1:

Chandani came out of the atheistically designed ashram room into a long lawn blooming with flowers of varied colours, as dawn was just stepping in with birds flying out of their nest for their day’s course.  

She found Arjya sitting under a tree imparting knowledge in multifarious  subjects to a handful of tribal boys .He was the acclaimed leader of the Sukna jungle who had successfully metamorphosed the ferocious tribe into a civilized group  .

He was six years old, when his father was banished by the  treacherous sultan from his estate and was forced to flee with his wife and son to the Sukna jungle .There they hid for two days starving before they were captured by the tribe . Seeing a child with them , they were provided with food and shelter . With time the three became familiar with them understanding their languages and got accustomed to their simple ways of life .  

When the tribe faced a crisis due to a contagious disease, his father saved them with his knowledge of ‘Ayurveda’ medicine and after the incident  he was regarded as the foster father of the group. As days passed ,  Arjya  grew up gaining impeccable strength , learning strictness , warfare tactics from the native and imbibed knowledge from his father.

After having a refreshing morning shower in the waterfall , Chandani with the other ladies plucked flowers from the garden for the worship of Mother Goddess at the temple which  was usually performed by the elderly ladies of their group .

Leaving the flowers at the temple door , the younger ones entered the community kitchen , where food is prepared for entire community.

When the sun reaches  its highest position, the men retreat  from their respective jobs . They enter the big hall ,where food is served by the ladies . Selection of people for the specific jobs like mining, farming , smelting etc  is done by the leader judging their capability and physique .

 When everybody has finished their meal, then the remaining food is served to the leader and his wife. This was the age old rule of the jungle which is followed till date with great austerity.

Chandani  was in the kitchen , when Arjya called for her. ” Chandani , a guard has come from your kingdom with a letter from your mother” .

The letter was actually a request …..

 ‘Chandani request you to come back.

Your father is very ill’ – Protima

She bluntly asked the guard to leave as she was not in a position to honour her mother’s  request , but  Arjya stopped her and asked the guard to have some food with them before leaving .  He plucked some fruits and packed them in a basket for the queen mother .

“You have a long path to go . Take these fruits .It will quench  your thirst and hunger .Apologise to the queen that her daughter  is not ready to go now , but if her mind changes I will take her myself . “

“And give her these fruits” said Arjya , handing over the basket to him .

The guard was overwhelmed by their hospitality and on returning handed over the basket to the queen, conveying that the princess refused to come.

Protima went to her ailing husband ,Rana and complained , ” Chandani is not coming . You have not regarded her marriage and not shown proper respect to her husband . You have distanced them.  And now she refuses to return . We are surrounded with more foes than loved ones . “

Chap 2

At the Sukna jungle , Chandani was sitting in front of a camp-fire, applauding the tribal children who were dancing at the drum beats .But she was engrossed in deep thoughts . Father is not keeping well but still she was determined not to go back to the palace .

Chandani was the eldest sibling of Rana and Protima. She showed inborn-instincts of a leader , and with the education imparted by the scholars and art of warfare by the generals , she grew up to be an accomplished administrator . She wanted to accompany her father to the courts where he meted out his policies and imparted justice to the seeking people . But she was forbidden while her small brother was allowed to sit in the court to witness the daily court happenings.

She complained to her mother , when her mother  made her understand the truth . ” I have no doubts in your ability . Your training and education have groomed you into  a well mannered and intelligent princess eligible for marrying an able king”

“I want to do something for my kingdom where I grew up” Chandani refuted.

“You are doing ….. creating an alliance with a strong empire “, Protima  firmly replied .” Your beauty and talents have reached  far and wide, and we have already started receiving proposals for you . We will fix the most suitable match for you .”

” Why you are not saying clearly, you are checking  on which alliance will be more profitable . You are not checking whether the person I am going to marry is a good person or not ” ,saying this she went out of her mother’s room .

Next day , Rana was very happy as a marriage proposal of Chandani had  come from the renowned Mathura king for his eldest son.

As he was preparing for his hunting expedition , Protima appeared,” Chandani  is not happy with your idea of marrying her off “. 

” Let me take her to  hunting . She will be rejuvenated spending some time in the jungles “said Rana.

The King along with his two children  and  a small fraction of the army started for the jungle.

As all were busy setting up the camps , princess strolled  around the camp site . Seeing something glittering, she stepped into the jungle and more deeper she went  into the jungle , the glittering substance  moved inward  . Suddenly, she realized she had come long way from the camp site and her father might have already started looking for her . As she turned to  retreat, something jumped on her , scratching her hands with its claws and she lost her consciousness.

When she opened her eyes she found herself in a mud cottage with walls decorated with beautiful motifs .

” Me, Sruchi .  Don’t be afraid , you are in Sukna Jungle “, a young girl spoke with a smile in her face.

Chandani understood she was a tribal girl belonging to the Sukna jungle. She have heard from her father , that they are fierce and they lived in the deep jungle. They did not disturb anyone and preferred not to be disturbed too . She thought them to be uncivilized people , but the girl resemble nothing of that sort .

“You were attacked by a jungle cat  . It had scratched your shoulder and so you had developed an infection . We have provided  plant’s gel on your cut . You go to sleep and  do not panic . Take rest .”

She again dozed off to sleep.

She awoke as she felt a  hand softly caressing her forehead . She opened her eyes to see an elderly woman sitting beside her.

” My son  is giving you all the medicines you require . When you came here , you had  fever and a bleeding cut on your shoulder . “

“Now , you don’t have fever  , and your cut has healed too . You can call me ‘Mata’ as everyone call me here” . “

“How did you reach the jungle? ” , asked Mata.

“Actually I came for hunting with my father but by mistake I got inside the jungle and …  “

From your appearance you seem to be a princess . By tomorrow you will be strong enough to ride a horse and we will send you back to your province . Actually we do not have a palanquin . “Mata replied.

“No problem , I can ride a horse.” said Chandani.

Next morning she came out of the hut and was startled to see a structured and well planned  picturesque village , surrounded on one side by jungle , another side by small hills and a river flowing by. Children were playing little far in a cleared area , surrounded by huts of similar size and design .In the middle , there was an open terrace circle hall which was similar to an open court and a big hut adjoining to it .

She was introduced to a sturdy young man whom everyone hailed as their master and his name was Arjya.

She extended her stay by one more day as she wanted to spend a  whole day in the jungle  . She was fascinated by their simple but very disciplined and organized lifestyle. Next day as she was dressing up to return to her kingdom , the weather became harsh ,with sky fully covered with dark nimbus clouds and  winds blowing strongly.

“Arjya , are you not feeling afraid ? ” , asked Chandani seeing the turbulent weather.

“No , three years before we had faced massive flood .So we built these huts in these higher slopes and the granaries  are placed on pillars.”

“Our village stands guarded on three sides by the hills and jungles in such a way , that it is saved from the wraths of the severest cyclones.”

” You people are so planned .If I have not seen myself,  I would not have believed.”The more she was interacting with Arjya , she was getting more enamoured .

After the five days of bad chirpy weather, Chandani left for her palace guarded by a fleet of tribal soldiers and Arjya .

When she was near her territory , news have reached her father . King came out to meet them and listened from Arjya , what happened to the princess in the jungle. King thanked Arjya for what he has done for the princess .

She was welcomed by her mother , and taken inside .She turned to see Arjya as she knew this is the last time she is going to see Arjya .He denied to stay back and take rest in the palace .So they started their return journey towards their tribal village .

Chandani shared her experience with the royal ladies who surrounded her , asking her to repeat her experience again and again . It was like a dream to them who have spent half of their lives stranded in the fortified walls and seeing the world only through their small windows and high walled terrace . Chandani felt that she was blessed to have lost her way in the jungle . But now, the carefree life she had spend there was pinching her present confined royal life .

The day she decided to elope was when the news of the fixation of  marriage to the crown prince of Mathura came .She choose to be wife of  Arjya than to be a bait of a marriage alliance . She went out of the fort dressed as a maid and reached jungle after two days riding on a horse.

All welcomed Chandani in the jungle. Mata came out and took her to her room.

” You came back? “She noticed the blushing cheeks and lifted her face.”Can you stay with us in these adversities. From your childhood ,you are accustomed to the luxurious royal life.”

Chandani looked at her and nodded in response .

Mata went to meet Arjya. “You have heard I suppose ,princess have returned . You know why”

“No” Arjya replied .

“She has left everything for you and risked her life through the jungles to be with you .”

“Let her stay for sometime here as a normal person doing all the daily errands and if she thinks she can , then we can talk about this”.

“How stupid you are .”Mata said.

“I don’t want her to make mistake and repent later.”

The dance music has stopped and the children have left the dance ground .The camp fire have extinguished but Chandani sat there , deep in her thoughts . She didn’t even notice Arjya  had come and sat beside her.

He took her hands into his and said softly  , ” Sukna jungle is situated at the periphery of your father’s kingdom . We are independent but still we offer our fidelity towards  your father not because you are married to me but because  he is a nice person and a just and  able administrator. We do not follow the same  policy with the other neighbouring kingdoms that are surrounding us. You have left a letter for him before you left for the jungle . He didn’t send his army after you or forced you to return . He respected your wish . “

” I have send a message to your mother that you will go”


Chap 3

Village headman received news from the patrol guards  that two destitute families were constructing  huts at the far end of  their village . He sent his men to inspect whether they are normal civilians from nearby village or spies from other kingdom . They confirmed that they were mere poor farmers from a nearby village who had no fodder for their stocks and so they left home. They earn living by selling milk and milk products . So they were allowed to stay outside the village vicinity .

That night , Queen opened the hidden door behind the big mirror . She entered  with a flaming torch and moved hastily down the tunnel . This passage was known to her and her siblings. King had welded this secretly for the safety of his family .

Few hours before  , she was disheartened as princess refused to come . Absentmindedly ,as she fumbled the fruits, something touched her fingers . Hastily she took out the fruits ,and then she saw a piece of paper inside at the bottom of the basket  written ” -Open – “

 She pressed a knob and the metal door opened . Her daughter ,Chandani was standing before her decked up in a maid’s dress .

From outside ,the metal door is totally shrouded in the thick creepy bushes. Not very far from the metal door was the hut where Arjya and his men ,disguised as farmers were residing .

Protima said,  “Your father is very sick and his health is degrading with every passing day. I don’t believe in the medicines that he is being given  by our ‘Raj Vaidya’ .Your brother is addicted to drugs and alcohol and often go missing for days. He cannot be crowned and nor I have the experience to run the country. I am feeling very helpless as I cannot trust anyone .  “

” I need to stay in this disguise for some more days ,mother ” said Chandani as they stepped in the palace through the hidden door .”

Chandani went straight to her father’s room along with her mother. Protima asked the maid to leave the room as she wanted to be alone with the King.  Chandani quickly collected little amount from all the medicines into small pots and  went to the hidden metal door  . She screeched the sound similar to the hooting of  an owl and  Arjya appeared . She handed over the pots and returned to the palace .

Protima was advised not to leave Rana alone in the hands of the maids and Vaidyas . Later ,in the afternoon , Arjya and his men entered the city in pretext to sell milk .Chandani still dressed in maid attire went to meet him in the market . He gave the milk can to her . ” The King is doped with drugs to keep him intoxicated and is being poisoned slowly. I have put the medicine pots inside. It has the power to  neutralize the drugs that already gone inside your father . I cannot give stronger doze , because your father will start vomiting .Seeing that ,’ Raj Vaidya’ will understand that some different medicine is being given . “

Chandani, returned to the palace . Seeing her enter , queen ordered total privacy .She interchanged the medicine pots and exited hurriedly to avoid any kind of suspicion .

As evening set in , she took sheltered in the desolate part of the fort . Few years before , due to earthquake top rooms of the eastern part of the fort were broken . They were not repaired and so it remained discarded . As she was going to sleep, she saw a distant waving light .She ran to the broken turrets of the fort and saw that someone standing in the west corner of the fort with a telescope fixed in the direction of the light .

Chapter 4

She met Arya at the market place. He exchanged new piles of medicine through the milk can . Chandani related the night incident . Arjya  asked her to meet him in the tunnel in the evening   .  

Arjya , along with his few men galloped in the direction ,Chandani  had seen the light waving . They reached at the bottom of the cliff , from whose top the signal came . They came down from the horses and started climbing the steep cliff. They found a small base on which others rested and Arjya carried on climbing till he reached the top . As he approached top , he started hearing voices . Stealthily he climbed and hiding behind a jutted rock , he saw what was happening . An army camp was being set up  .

A soldier said , ” Yesterday , I have signalled that we have reached the top. He will signal us back today. If we see one waiving light , we will attack tomorrow , and if we see more than one light , we have to wait for sometime till the next signal comes ” Seeing their attire and voice accent Arjya understood he was an Afghan general .

Arjya quietly descended without making a single sound and met his men at the base . They all climbed down and he gave some instructions to them and then started for the city .

As evening set in ,he came to the entry of the tunnel and tapped . The door was opened by Chandani . He related what he had seen on the cliff . Princess was terrified on hearing it . ” Tonight I will be there with you in the fort . We have to check the signals and then we have to plan our future steps . “

Both were waiting for the signals to come . Suddenly in the moonlight they saw two person ,each holding one lit torch light waving in the direction of the cliff .

“Can you recognise them? “asked Arjya

“Yes , it seems one is our chief minister and another , I cannot see properly. But from his attire it seems he holds an  important position in the court.”

“Listen to me properly , tomorrow we will find your brother and take him to jungle and keep him  there till all the trouble ends “said Arjya.”Your mother will proclaim you the successor . This will not go with the interest of some people .They will retaliate. We will get to identify them . “

Chap 5

As the court started in the morning  , queen announced Chandani as the successor.

Chief minister opposed ” How can she be the successor , when she has left for a tribal man leaving our clan.”

“She had married  Arjya who is a tribal leader and they are our neighbouring state and in our difficult times we can get their help. “said the Queen. She asserted “Okay ,  She will be the regent to the throne till King is able enough to announce his successor . “

“Your majesty , she cannot be … Where is the prince . Let’s search for him … and I can be the regent till then… “said the minister.

“Guards , take him into captivity …… “pronounced  Chandani .

Minister became speechless as he saw Chandani was standing in front of him.

“For what …. how you are here ? You declined your mother request ……”

“Treason . Plotting against your country is your guilt .”Chandani snapped at the Minister .

” I will be the final authority of this country till my father becomes strong enough to rule ” said Chandani firmly .

All the ministers and officers bowed in front of the Princess and hailed slogans in accord to the Princess.

She gave a series of instructions, and the fleet of ministers , officers were jerked into action under her leadership.

“Hoard foods and necessary items in our inventory for our people at least for months . No export will happen. Enforce our armies with more weapons. Fortify the city walls and increase the guards at all the entry gates of our city  and borders . “

“Your father agreed to ration your uncle’s kingdom in return of the  military support they will provide us if required . ” General said .

Chandani said ” Make our army strong. Don’t depend on others for military help. “

In the evening  , she met Arjya in the tunnel  to plan out the next phase.

” Your brother is in our custody . We are taking care of him. He was under the influence of drugs from long time. “Arjya said.”He was found in your uncle’s territory garrisoned with all types of pleasures and drugs and alcohol. It seems your uncle is back biting your father. And some of your  ministers are also involved. Our army is ready to be at your side when required. “

Chap 6

“Do you think he will show up in the night .”Chandani asked Arjya .

Both of them waited on the fort’s terrace hidden in the shadows of the wall . But nobody showed up .

“It seems they are waiting for your next move “said Arjya.”Anyways no problem . My men are there keeping a strict vigil on the afghan soldiers. Any movement will be notified by them  and we can plan accordingly. “

“Thank you for what you and your people are doing” said Chandani.

Arjya said “We are doing to protect the kingdom from going  into wrong hands.”

Next day at the court , she faced an agitation . She tried to understand who was intriguing against her.

The general stood up and said” Is all the occurrences  happening in unison . Your father is ill , your brother is missing and you have come back to claim the throne . For asking you this ,you can put me into prison too.. like the prime minister . “

Chandani asked , ” Why do you think that my brother is missing ?He had gone to my uncles’ kingdom . You send someone to bring him from there.”

Chandani aborted the court  and as she was returning to her room , a soldier informed that her uncle is arriving along with few soldiers . She asked the soldier to welcome him . She knew she was embracing danger , but she did not want to reflect any agony , or suspicion.

She hastily went to the hidden door and through the tunnel she went out of the fort to meet Arjya at the hut .

Arjya said , ” I am coming with you tonight . Something going to happen in the castle …. “

Both of them entered into castle through the hidden door. Arjya was dressed in a soldier’s attire  . Chandani went to see her father , who has already  recovered a lot . But he still laid on the bed , to make everyone assume he is still severely ill . On entering his father’s room , she saw his uncle had come to see her father.

“Instead of bringing Chandani ,you should have informed me about his illness ” Santosh said to Protima in a blaming tone.  

Chandani left Protima answer his uncles’s question and went to check on the guards who will  be in the duty of palace during  the night .They were the most trusted of the lot . She knew Arjya is somewhere in the castle and they are going to meet in the night at the terrace.

As  night progressed , Chandani sneaked to the terrace, where she saw Arjya waiting for her . Arjya pointed to the corner of the fort , where , someone was waving a burning torch .

Chandani recognised that the someone is – the General on whom the regime bestowed upon the highest responsibility of  keeping the  country safe from offenders.

Chandani lamented ” My father is being betrayed by his own people… ” Arjya said ” Do not panic . We have no more time now .Let us design our plan of seizure and defence. “

Both of them departed before the dawn set in .

Chap 7

The next day started as in a  normal way. She went to the court and furnished the daily ordeals .

Santosh , her uncle was also present in the court  .

” Chandani , though you declared yourself as the regent ,but you have not tried to find out the crowned prince . ” asked Santosh.

” Queen mother said that  he left the palace , telling he is going to meet you and spend some time with you . He is missing from your jurisdiction .What have you done for your crowned prince.”said Chandani .

Santosh became speechless sensing the firmness in her voice.

He replied softly ,”When I knew about his missing , my armies searched for him  but he was not found . May be ,  he is in captivity … “

Santosh looked around in the court for support for the apprehension he stated but nobody supported him.

“Chandani , why have you stopped sending food grains to my kingdom . It was decided by your father , that we will give military support in the time of emergency and you will supply the food grains and essential items to our kingdom . “

” Yes now we are not in a position to supply them as there is not enough for my kingdom . ” said Chandani .

” My army will remain unfed . How they can support you? ” Santosh said.

” As there is no danger of aggression from any kingdom , we require no help from you now . When food grains will be excess , I will ask them to supply to your kingdom “As she spoke of no military threats , she noticed a sublime smile in her uncle’s face , which she wanted to see.

She continued , ” In your honour the queen mother wants to keep a celebration .” Moving to the general she said “you please take the responsibility  to set up a good entertainment for my uncle  “

” Convey my respect and love to your mother “said Santosh.

As she returned from the court , she went to meet her father. In a low voice she related the whole incidents that have occurred  till now and what was their plan.

Chapter 8

The fort was made invincible by constructing it on a steep cliff with a pathway carved out in such an angle that anyone moving up the path to the fort’s main door will be noticed and  will be under the constant surveillance of the guards stationed at the towers. Even a lizard cannot climb up such a steep tall wall .

Chandani heard a distant bell striking five times .It denoted that the gate to the main city was closing . Again another bell stroke denoting the entrance main gate  to the fort is also closing for the day . As the sun disappeared  from the sky the night became pitch dark as it was a no moon night – ‘Amabashya’ .   

She  had monitored that both  Santosh  and the General were engaged in the celebration . She asked for the low ranked army officials to assemble in front of the fort’s gate . 

She  instructed them ,” Whatever happens tonight , and whoever gives order do not open the fort’s gate . Strictly follow only my orders – this will save us .” The soldiers were puzzled hearing such stern instruction from Chandani . They didnot have the slightest idea what was going to happen  . 

She knew among them , Arjya’s men were also present . They have already taken care of the soldiers who accompanied  Santosh .

She dressed in army attire stood on the watch tower with field glasses . In the dark night , she still could figure out some stealthy movements towards the fort who were approaching keeping themselves hidden in the dark shadows .

Earlier today she was informed  that there is a  sudden surge in the number of  unknown traders or travellers in the city. She asked the informers to keep strict watch on them but not stop them from their movements in the city.

She hurriedly went down the spiral stairs  to the king’s room and hid in the corner behind the curtains.

She heard the  guards shouting ” Jagte Raho “as they marched in front of the main castle. Suddenly in the dim light of the candles, she saw a figure with face covered climbing through the window , which opened to the terrace connecting to the outer castle . She thought “Guards have been killed as the entry was guarded by king’s trusted men .”

The man approached the king’s bed , and then took out his sword and stabbed the king . As he started to retreat  ,Chandani came out of her hideout .

“What’s so hurry uncle … You are arrested for killing the king , and the his subjects  will decide your punishment tomorrow at the court”

She called in the soldiers  ,who were  waiting outside for her orders .

 ” You know that I will kill your father , but you kept quiet . You waited for the crime to be done . So that you can become the undisputed ruler .You will not see tomorrow’s sunlight…” shouted out Santosh .

“Take him to the prison….. . ” commanded Chandani .

 “Highness , our fort is under sudden seizure ! ” a soldier exclaimed

Her uncle said” you ambitious lady , you will die…” as he was being taken away by the Arjya’s men .

Chandani ordered ” Open all the slit doors and prepare the canons for firing .  “

“The city will be under siege . We have to send soldiers for their safety ” said the general .

“General , you can take rest along with my uncle . I will preside over my army. Nobody will move out of the fort” she ordered fiercely .

The soldier looked dismayed at her decision but still agreed .

“Okay highness” and moved hurriedly out of her room .

She ordered one of the attendant , ” Clean the room ” and hastily went out of the room .

The attendants were  surprised at the Chandani’s action . As they removed the cover from the face ,they were surprised. The slain body was of the prime minister.

They softly said ” Long live the king. Long live the princess .”

Army men were surprised ,” All our troops are inside Army general is also missing . Who are fighting this philanders?” The soldier , who took order from Chandani instructed his mates ,” Her highness has ordered not to move out of the fort . All canons are set . If anyone crosses the trench , we will start shooting arrows and if required fire the canons . “

She stood there at the watch tower throughout the night , iron fisted to defend the fort .She is the regent …

Chap 9

The sound of the swords clinging and shouting of the dying men  gradually faded away .The last hours of night slipped away with the dawn setting in .

Chandani ordered to open the fort’s main gate and asked a small fraction of army men to move out to inspect the scenario of the city .

The court commenced in its usual time but not in closed boundary of the castle but in the opening in midst of the city market . It started with less number of  high ranking officers and ministers and more of common men and women of the kingdom .

The surveillance army team that had gone out ,  stood there perplexed not understanding what happened and how it happened .

Chandani stepped down from horse back and climbed the dais as the common men and women hailed slogans in praise of her .

“Bring in the prisoners “she pointed at the closed carriage . The door opened and out came her uncle with hands and legs cuffed by iron chains.

“In front of you stand the greatest conspirator of your land . He wanted to kill your king and put you in danger .”

Silence prevailed for a second . Her face was firm and determination was in her eyes when she pronounced

” And he was not alone .”

Her uncle shouted out cutting her words ” Do not fell prey to her words. She is the witch . She forced me to kill her father, the King . Before that, she killed her only brother, the crowned prince and the queen mother. She is the most atrocious ambitious person . She did all to get the throne and take revenge as she was thrown out by her father , the king. She had killed all the high ranked ministers who opened their mouth against her. “

She looked at the  common men and understood they were baffled . The chief of the town moved forward and said “but yesterday she saved us from the plunderers .”

She looked at her uncle and smiled  . Distant Galloping sound became more and more prominent .  Arjya leading hundreds of tribal soldiers came and surrounded the place . From among them , came out the crowned prince, the King and the Queen . Common people were relieved to see their king and saluted and shouted.”Long live the king “.

“I am here today for Chandani and her husband . Moving towards his brother he said  ” You left no stones unturned to kill me , my brother . And now you try to blame my daughter.”

Her uncle was stunned to see his big brother standing before him .

She turned to the mass and stated , “You have been part of yesterday’s plight not knowing the whole story.”Now ,I  will tell you the story .”

“The plan against the throne was hatched at least I presume three to five months before .

“My uncle conspired with our Afghan neighbour state to conquer your kingdom .The Afghan wanted our land because of its proximity to the sea .My uncle would be have been a puppet king in the hands of the Afghan , and allow  access to the sea-ports  and also supply your harvests and raw material to them and increase his treasure  . “

“So he crafted his plan of deception with help of our own officers promising them large sum of gold and money . He first took my brother in his grasp . He allowed my brother get carried away by all type of intoxications and ill habits . Then with the help of ‘ Raj Vaidya’, he started slow poisoning my father . Your Queen got  suspicious and called me for her help. “

From our fort , one day I saw someone waiving a torch and understood some plan was being drafted. When the area was searched , we came to know about the Afghan soldiers camping on the cliff waiting for signal to attack . “

“Their plan got disrupted when I was proclaimed the heir by my mother. Then my uncle came down himself to kill my father and also kill me or make me responsible for my father’s death. They planned to kill my brother by overdose of drugs. Before they could do so, he was taken by Arjya  to their kingdom .Your king  and queen were shifted from the palace to a safer place presuming danger . We doped the prime minister , who was the prime consort of my uncle and left him in my father’s bed. My uncle killed the prime minister. “

“And when the army general wanted to open the gate of the fort in pretext of fighting with the philanders , he was arrested by our men .Their plan was to plunder our city and  get hold of our fort .But Arjya’s men were already there in the city to fight them . “

“We have kept the Afghan general and son of the Afghan leader, Atul Sah as our prisoner  .Atul Shah has agreed in exchange of his son and general ,  to make an agreement of  never intruding our country .We have decided to let them use our sea port , but providing proper tax to our country . “

Rana blessed both Arjya and his daughter  and said to his subjects ,”Within few days, I am going to proclaim my successor . All of you be present at the coronation ceremony ” .

” Ranaji , please allow us to return  ” said Arjya .

  “Sister you are most eligible person for the throne .” Chandani’s brother asserted. His mother ,Protima also agreed with him .

“Down the ages we have seen the male heir only rules the country and this belief will go down in the future too . Father will be there to help you and I will be always beside you when  need arises .You  will be the ruler. This is the rule of the day . “

Chandani bid farewell to her parents saying ,” We will be present at the coronation event  ” and both started off to their peaceful domicile – the Jungle.

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